Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mightier Than The Sword

I'm usually a person who does not enjoy reading unless I am able to choose what type of novel I get to read. I find myself not being interested in what I read and have no motivation to carry with the book, however, in journalism and democracy I find the readings to be very interesting. I like learning about how journalism came to be and the policy's that go with it. The Elements of Journalism was enjoyable to read since I was able to grow knowledge about how journalist go by writing their pieces and the guidelines that help them. When the professor said we were reading Mightier Than the Sword, I just hoped that I would have the same interest as I did for the other book.

Once I started to read this book I liked that Rodger Streitmatter stated that he has two specific audience in mind, the college students and then the men and women who want to learn about the media and the history behind it. The fourth page already had me wanting to read more. 

In the second chapter, Thomas Paine and Sam Adams basically are trying to impact the society by their writings.The both of them were ppatriotic, however, Paine's opinions were more inspiring to the public when Adam's were more vulgar and exaggerating so that he could get his point across.

Samuel Adams

Thomas Paine
Rodger Steitmatter